Hero Hero Ghost Show!: Episode 5 – Phone

Welcome for round five of Hero Hero Ghost Show!  We now turn our eyes to an oft-used trope in Asian horror cinema – the technological as a source of terror.  For our first foray into techno-horror goodness, I’m joined by Ricky Morgan of the Hail Ming Power Hour to discuss Phone, a story of ghosts, possession and poor Motorola customer service.  We talk story, the amazing child actor that is probably a genuine killer, transgressive imagery, Disney, how to make a haunted house and so much more! Opening Song: The Non-Fiction Days by Band-Maid Closing Song: Ms. Panic by Molice You can join us on Facebook here and subscribe on iTunes (and leave us a review) here! See you next week for Dream Home with Zena Dixon of Girls Will Be Ghouls!
Welcome for round five of Hero Hero Ghost Show!  We now turn our eyes to an oft-used trope in Asian horror cinema – the technological as a source of terror.  For our first foray into techno-horror goodness, I’m joined by Ricky Morgan of the Hail Ming Power Hour to discuss Phone, a story of ghosts, possession and poor Motorola customer service.  We talk story, the amazing child actor that is probably a genuine killer, transgressive imagery, Disney, how to make a haunted house and so much more!
Opening Song: The Non-Fiction Days by Band-Maid
Closing Song: Ms. Panic by Molice
See you next week for Dream Home with Zena Dixon of Girls Will Be Ghouls!
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Hero Hero Ghost Show!: Episode 5 – Phone
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